The Ecotox 2021 will be a 4-day virtual event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. You cannot miss this event if you are interested in emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry.  This will be the first 100% virtual event of the Brazilian Society of Ecotoxicology and, taking advantage of this kind of event, we intend to offer something accessible to everyone, regardless of location. We are expecting a great participation of researchers, regulators, managers and technicians, from academia, companies and government, representing not only the Brazilian states, but also several countries, offering a great opportunity for updates, networking and experiences.

In 2021 the theme of ECOTOX-2021 will be “The Contribution of Ecotoxicology to the goals of the Agenda 2030”. The focus will be to stimulate discussion among the Academy, Business, and Government, about the contribution of this multidisciplinary science achieving the goals proposed by the United Nations on the Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development.  Science plays a key role in implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) endorsed by the global community. Within this theme, it is expected to discuss some of the SDGs most linked to environmental issues. Thus, when we discuss the fragility of terrestrial ecosystems against new compounds or pesticides, we will be linked to ODS 2 (Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture). Or we can discuss SDG 3 (Health and Welfare) when addressing human health issues related to contaminants in soil, water, and air, as well as the impacts of habitat degradation. Most, if not all, of our activities within the areas of Ecotoxicology, are directly linked to the goals of the 2030 agenda. From wastewater treatment methods and the protection of receiving water bodies (ODS 6 – Drinking water and sanitation) to the effects of pollution on marine life (ODS 14 – life on water), or the effects of pollution on aquatic and terrestrial organisms (ODS 15 – terrestrial life. Everything became clear when we think about the objectives of our research and lines of action.

Our proposal at ECOTOX-2021 is to discuss what is our participation and responsibility as researchers, managers or entrepreneurs for social and environmental welfare, for setting public policy guidelines and for sustainable development. To answer this and other questions, we will have four days in discussions among different stakeholders (academia, government, and private institutions).